Monday, June 9, 2014

Review of girl dress up games online free::Where Can I Play Dress up Games

Review of girl dress up games online free::Where Can I Play Dress up Games

Despite               being               an               anime               fan               who               travels               the               country               attending               anime               conventions,               I               have               to               admit               that               the               last               anime               series               I               watched               from               beginning               to               end               was               "Azumanga               Daioh"               in               2003.

The               trouble               with               being               an               anime               fan               is               that               as               soon               as               I               finish               one               anime               series,               at               least               ten               more               series               pop               out               of               the               woodwork               and               expect               me               to               devote               countless               hours               watching,               reading,               and               discussing               it               with               other               die-hard               anime               fans               online               and               at               conventions.

Well,               I               can't               do               that.

The               basic               responsibilities               of               earning               income               to               pay               bills               and               social               interactions               that               cannot               be               fulfilled               with               anime               discussion               take               up               most               of               my               time               nowadays.

So               most               new               anime               titles               escape               my               radar.

Occasionally               I               find               myself               with               a               small               pocket               of               free               time               to               catch               up               on               anime.

Usually,               I               want               to               spend               that               free               time               getting               reacquainted               with               anime               that               got               me               interested               in               anime               in               the               first               place.

But               during               a               rare               cosmic               realignment,               I               finally               decide               to               listen               to               the               anime               fans               online               and               at               conventions               who               heap               mounds               of               praise               and               devotion               to               their               anime               of               choice.

Some               of               these               fans               will               even               dress               up               as               characters               from               the               series               (known               as               cosplaying)               and               dance               to               the               opening               sequence               of               the               series               during               anime               conventions               just               to               show               their               love               for               the               series.

Sure,               most               do               it               to               show               their               adoration               of               the               series.

But               all               of               the               attention               they               get               from               the               fans               who               photograph               and               post               video               of               them               online               is               another               factor               to               consider.

Not               that               there               is               anything               wrong               with               pandering               to               fans               since               I               am               one               of               the               many               people               who               photographs               and               videotapes               the               costumed               attendees               of               conventions               and               I               myself               dress               up               as               characters               from               the               anime               series               I               like.

I               guess               I'm               just               calling               the               kettle               black               here.
               Well,               I'm               three               paragraphs               in               and               I               still               have               not               mentioned               the               anime               that               I               finally               got               around               to               watching               thanks               to               the               prodding               of               its               fans.

After               enjoying               "Azumanga               Daioh,"               the               character               driven               slice               of               life               high               school               comedy               series,               I               picked               up               a               copy               of               "Lucky               Star."               My               friends               and               most               anime               fans               describe               it               as               a               character               driven               slice               of               life               high               school               comedy               series.

There's               nothing               wrong               with               sticking               to               something               you               like.

Then               a               couple               of               warning               lights               began               to               flash.
               I               guess               the               first               warning               light               flashed               when               I               saw               the               opening               sequence.

I               will               admit               the               opening               theme               music               and               accompanying               dance               is               catchy...

suspiciously               catchy.

The               cynic               in               me               gets               the               impression               that               "Lucky               Star"               intentionally               made               the               opening               that               overly               catchy               to               overshadow               the               content               of               the               show.

The               first               thing               most               "Lucky               Star"               cosplayers               and               fans               show               or               tell               me               about               the               show               is               the               opening               theme               and               accompanying               dance.

Any               attempts               to               delve               deeper               into               the               content               of               the               series               is               met               with               a               quick               change               of               subject.

The               second               warning               light               flashed               when               I               saw               the               number               of               cheerleaders               during               the               opening               sequence.

As               an               average               heterosexual               male,               I'm               all               for               seeing               a               number               of               dancing               cheerleaders.

But               then               the               anime               viewer               in               me               kicks               in               and               realizes               that               given               the               number               of               cheerleaders,               this               means               more               characters               to               introduce               and               keep               track               of               during               the               series               that               requires               a               flowchart               to               find               out               who               is               involved               with               whom.

And               I               feel               that               aside               from               the               primary               four               characters,               most               of               the               ancillary               characters               are               getting               the               short               stick               in               terms               of               character               development.
               After               finishing               the               opening               sequence,               the               actual               episode               starts.

As               this               is               the               first               episode,               I               am               introduced               to               the               principal               four               characters.

If               I               have               to               watch               24               episodes               of               "Lucky               Star,"               the               show               had               better               make               me               like               them               enough               to               put               up               with               their               antics.

Konata               is               the               lead               character               and               apparent               ambassador               of               the               series               to               anime               fans.

Despite               her               athletic               skills               and               intelligence,               Konata               is               still               an               overly               cute               representation               of               the               die               hard               anime               fan               complete               with               slacker               tendencies.

The               Hiragi               twins               consisted               of               the               smart               yet               occasionally               shy               Kagami               and               the               airhead               yet               good-natured               Tsukasa.

Both               are               overly               cute.

Rounding               out               the               four               is               the               glasses               wearing               Miyuki.

Not               only               is               she               overly               polite,               she               is               also               overly               cute.

I'm               not               sure               when               anime               producers               decided               to               make               most               anime               females               carbon               copies               of               the               same               set               of               cute               anime               archetypes;               my               guess               is               when               the               character               development               team               merged               with               the               marketing               team.

But               these               main               four               resemble               a               template               of               the               most               marketable               anime               characters               that               resemble               previously               marketable               anime               characters.

There               are               even               Japanese               terms               for               each               archetype,               but               in               the               interest               of               not               overloading               my               spell               checker,               I               won't               list               them               here.
               The               first               episode               shows               off               the               characters               in               a               surreal               "Seinfeld"               setting               where               nothing               happens               and               the               audience               just               sees               the               four               characters               interact.

Within               seven               minutes               the               characters               cutely               discuss               how               they               eat               desserts,               eggs,               and               various               grilled               meat.

Then               during               the               rest               of               the               episode               they               cutely               skirt               the               issue               of               adult               games               and               kidnapping,               cutely               discuss               each               other's               characteristics,               cutely               differentiate               a               cold               from               the               flu,               cutely               reflect               on               their               physical               examinations,               and               cutely               talk               about               the               social               aspects               of               MMORPGs.

If               you're               sensing               a               recurring               cute               motif,               you               qualify               for               a               marketing               research               position.

It               seems               the               marketing               team               not               ate               the               character               development               team,               it               absorbed               the               plot               development               team               for               dessert.

While               anime               is               an               opportunity               to               tell               a               moving               story               or               open               discussions               about               moral               issues,               cute               sells               more               DVDs               and               merchandise.

The               average               anime               male               fan               is               a               predictable               species               who               will               latch               on               to               anything               with               a               cute               girl.

I               admit               to               doing               the               same               thing,but               I               prefer               my               cute               girls               to               have               depth...

and               perhaps               larger               breasts.

I've               been               dabbling               into               American               comics               recently.
               After               the               end               of               the               episode               comes               my               favorite               part:               The               Lucky               Channel.

As               a               side               story               of               the               show,               the               hosts               Akira               and               Minoru               pop               in               to               answer               questions               about               the               anime.

But               in               truth,               Beelzebub               is               torturing               these               two               by               locking               them               in               a               room               where               they               can               freely               get               cynical,               mean-spirited,               abusive,               and               violent               towards               each               other               while               a               viewing               audience               laughs               at               their               misery.

These               two               have               some               actual               character               and               chemistry               compared               to               the               four               from               the               main               show.

If               it               were               possible,               I'd               buy               a               DVD               consisting               of               only               the               Lucky               Channel               bits.
               I               suppose               if               I               watch               more               episodes               of               "Lucky               Star,"               I               may               grow               to               like               it.

It               is               like               an               animal               shaped               balloon:               Both               look               cute,               but               once               you               cut               into               it,               you               realize               both               are               full               of               nothing               but               air.

I               do               give               credit               for               the               show               being               able               to               fill               itself               full               of               anime               fan               references               and               making               it               familiar               with               its               target               audience               the               anime               fans.

But               like               "Family               Guy,"               I               feel               that               throwing               pop               culture               and               anime               subculture               references               is               lazy               writing.

I               already               get               most               of               the               anime               fan               references               from               attending               a               convention,               why               do               I               need               them               hammered               back               at               me?
               I               have               a               system               for               most               anime               and               TV               watching:               The               first               episode               has               to               interest               me               into               watching               the               episode.

The               first               episode               of               "Lucky               Star"               simply               did               not               interest               me               into               watching               the               second               episode.

I               may               catch               some               flak               for               not               liking               a               series               liked               by               most               of               the               anime               fans.

But               I               come               from               an               older               breed               of               anime.

I               remember               when               anime               series               did               not               have               to               be               marketable.

I               remember               when               anime               series               could               develop               characters               I               could               relate               to               even               though               I               could               not               change               into               some               black               pig               when               splashed               with               cold               water.

I               remember               when               anime               could               bring               up               philosophical               topics               like               reality               and               identity               amid               the               worldwide               plague               known               as               the               Internet.

I               remember               when               anime               did               not               have               to               be               cute               and               could               feature               a               guy               who               turned               into               a               gelatinous               blob               that               inadvertently               crushed               his               girlfriend               into               red               goo               (though               on               reflection,               I'd               rather               forget               about               that               one).

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