Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of make up spill::How to Clean up Antifreeze Spill?

Review of make up spill::How to Clean up Antifreeze Spill?

COMMENTARY               |               One               year               ago,               11               lives               were               tragically               taken               and               4.9               million               barrels               of               crude               oil               spilled               into               the               Gulf               of               Mexico,               causing               irreparable               damage               to               our               ecosystem.

It               affected               the               lives               of               people               all               over               the               nation,               including               the               families               of               the               fallen,               fishermen               and               tourists.

I               currently               reside               in               Florida               and               witnessed               the               damage               to               Florida's               renowned               white               beaches.

Sea               life               was               gravely               affected               from               the               spill               and               may               never               fully               recover.

According               to               an               article               published               on               CBS               News,               the               spill               posed               a               significant               threat               to               more               than               400               different               species               of               wildlife,               which               included               approximately               34,000               birds.

It               is               assessed               that               the               number               of               deaths               relating               to               wildlife               species               may               be               up               to               50               times               greater               than               what               was               initially               reported.
               Local               seafood               markets               are               just               now               getting               back               on               their               feet               but               were               deeply               affected               financially               and               emotionally               from               the               spill.

The               government               shut               down               46,000               square               miles               of               the               Gulf               for               fishing               during               the               spill,               making               it               impossible               for               many               fishermen               to               get               out               and               continue               making               a               living.
               Even               after               so               many               efforts               to               help               clean               up               what               the               spill               did,               the               beaches               may               never               be               the               same,               causing               tourists               to               become               reluctant               to               visit               those               parts               of               the               country               that               were               affected.

The               lack               of               tourists               has               caused               small               businesses               to               shut               down               and               has               put               others               in               deep               financial               holes.

Some               are               still               awaiting               some               sort               of               assistance.

A               report               published               by               the               Gulf               Coast               Claims               Facility               states               that               more               than               857,000               claims               for               financial               losses               related               to               the               oil               spill               for               more               than               500,000               individuals               and               businesses               have               been               sent.

300,000               of               those               claims               have               been               approved,               paying               more               than               $3.8               billion               in               Emergency               Payments,               Quick               Payments,               etc.
               There               have               been               no               laws               put               into               place               by               the               government               to               put               safer               restrictions               on               oil               drilling               or               measures               to               help               preserve               the               environment               following               this               tragic               event.

In               fact,               we               continue               to               push               for               off               shore               drilling.

BP               was               once               considered               the               "greenest"               of               all               oil               companies,               but               that               reputation               has               definitely               gone               down               the               drain.

I               do               commend               them               for               admitting               their               mistakes               and               doing               what               they               can               to               prevent               future               occurrences               and               provide               some               sort               of               compensation,               but               in               no               way               does               it               make               up               for               what               happened.
               There               are               still               plenty               of               people               who               were               affected               by               this               event               who               have               yet               to               see               any               major               changes;               for               those               people,               I               hope               that               day               comes               sooner               than               later.

This               was               an               eye-opening               event               not               just               for               the               United               States               but               for               the               world,               and               it's               time               we               stop               ignoring               what's               right               in               front               of               us.
               Throughout               the               spill               and               even               today,               I               have               felt               deep               sorrow               for               all               those               affected,               including               our               environment.

I               do               believe               that               measures               need               to               be               implemented               in               order               to               prevent               catastrophic               events               such               as               this               and               do               a               better               job               of               preserving               our               natural               resources.

I               will               continue               to               have               a               voice               and               support               all               those               who               are               hopefully               now               more               cognizant               of               what               we               are               doing               to               the               earth.
               This               event               will               no               doubt               go               down               in               history               as               one               of               the               most               damaging               contributions               our               nation               has               made               to               the               environment.

I               hope               we               continue               to               fight               for               the               lives               that               were               lost,               human               and               animal,               and               become               more               responsible               when               it               comes               to               environmental               safety.
               "Gulf               Oil               Spill,               By               the               Numbers"               
               Jennifer               Viegas,               "Whale,               Dolphin               Deaths               in               Gulf               Spill               Underestimated"               

Image of make up spill

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make up spill

make up spill Image 1

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make up spill

make up spill Image 2

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make up spill

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make up spill

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make up spill

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