Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of girls dressing game::My Little Pony Games?

Review of girls dressing game::My Little Pony Games?

Perhaps               you               have               seen               the               ABC               show               Wipeout,               or               have               had               occasion               to               watch               an               episode               or               two               of               MXC               on               the               Spike               Channel               or               whatever               that               network               is               called               this               month.

A               bunch               of               crazy               contestants               engaged               in               even               crazier               stunts               all               for               the               purpose               of               winning               a               game.

One               might               well               assume               these               types               of               Japanese               or               Japanese-inspired               game               shows               are               just               another               manifestation               of               the               reality               show               craze               that               has,               let's               face               it,               worn               out               its               welcome               now               by               about               nine               years.

In               fact,               way               back               in               1975               there               was               an               immensely               popular               ABC               series               that               captivated               the               imagination               of               kids               across               the               country.

Adults               weren't               exactly               immune               to               its               distinct               charms.

That               precursor               of               today's               reality               game               shows               was               called               Almost               Anything               Goes.

Almost               Anything               Goes               earned               a               place               in               the               history               of               American               television               long               before               it               could               be               considered               the               granddaddy               of               reality               game               shows.

What               many               remember               and               many               more               never               knew               was               that               the               fall               season               of               1975               saw               the               premiere               of               not               one,               but               two               television               shows               with               the               words               Saturday               Night               in               their               titles.

One               of               them               was               the               ridiculously               hyped               attempt               to               turn               Howard               Cosell               into               the               next               Ed               Sullivan.

The               other               was               some               late               night               sketch               show               featuring               a               bunch               of               no-name               improv               actors.

The               first               show               was               called               Saturday               Night               Live;               the               second               show               would               add               the               Live               part               to               their               title               later.

The               biggest               contribution               to               pop               culture               history               of               Saturday               Night               Live               with               Howard               Cosell               was               the               American               debut               of               what               was               supposed               to               be               the               Beatles               of               the               1970s:               the               Bay               City               Rollers.

Almost               as               soon               as               the               strains               of               the               Rollers'               catchy               pop               footnote               that               was               titled,               you               guessed               it,               "Saturday               Night"               faded               away,               Howard               Cosell's               show               was               canceled               and               he               went               back               to               the               sports               beat               that               he               had               come               to               already               despise               by               that               point               in               his               career.

ABC               fielded               a               low-cost               game               show               as               the               replacement               for               the               variety               show               that               had               been               seen               as               the               network's               primetime               anchor               for               its               weekend               lineup.
               Almost               Anything               Goes               was               an               Americanized               version               of               a               British               show               called               It's               a               Knockout.

This               was               a               period               of               American               television               history               when               many               of               the               most               popular               shows               had               been               important               and               Americanized               from               England:               All               in               the               Family,               Sanford               and               Son,               Three's               Company,               etc.

The               show               might               best               be               described               as               Battle               of               the               Network               Stars'               Viewers               by               virtue               of               the               fact               that               it               was               essentially               a               series               of               wacky               stunts               performed               by               a               team               of               regular               Joes               and               Joelenes.

(Of               course,               none               of               this               will               make               much               sense               if               you               aren't               already               familiar               with               Battle               of               the               Network               Stars.)               What               kind               of               wacky               stunts?

Well,               things               like               dressing               up               in               a               gorilla               suit               and               storming               the               gates               of               a               tropical               paradise               or               carrying               something               across               a               greased               pole.

And               much,               much               messier               fare.

The               contestants               worked               as               teams               and               allegedly               represented               their               own               small               towns.

It               was               all               tremendous               fun               to               watch               because               at               the               time               there               really               hadn't               been               that               many               shows               that               featured               firemen               and               teachers               and               bank               clerks               and               gas               station               attendants               humiliating               themselves               on               the               tube               for               the               benefit               of               all               us.
               Such               was               the               unbelievable               success               that               a               celebrity               version               evolved.

If               my               memory               serves               correctly,               I               think               the               cast               of               Little               House               on               the               Prairie               went               up               against               the               cast               of               the               Waltons,               though               I               don't               remember               who               won.

The               highlight               of               celebrity               Almost               Anything               Goes,               however,               was               a               match               between               the               Brady               Bunch               kids               and               a               singing               group               that               was               popular               among               girls               aged               10-12               years               old               at               the               time,               the               DeFranco               Family.

God,               how               I               hated               hearing               that               lovebeat               is               a               heartbeat               song!

The               DeFranco               Family               actually               managed               to               beat               the               Brady               Bunch               kids               but               my               theory               is               this               only               happened               because               that               fake               Jan               from               the               Brady               Bunch               variety               show               was               involved.

The               Brady               Bunch               kids               must               have               had               a               hunch               this               was               the               case               as               well               because               they               demanded,               and               received,               a               rematch.
               If               you               are               wondering               why               ABC               has               never               forwarded               an               updated               version               of               Almost               Anything               Goes               you               are               not               alone.

The               fact               is,               of               course,               that               the               suits               at               ABC               are               madder               than               Mad               Jack               McMad,               winner               of               last               year's               Mr.

Madman               Competition.

Those               of               us               in               our               forties               and               fifties               who               can               even               vaguely               recall               Almost               Anything               Goes               remember               it               quite               fondly.

It               did               not               last               long               in               its               original               incarnation,               but               in               this               era               of               such               an               extraordinary               number               of               dreadfully               offensive               knockoffs,               the               sweetness               of               Almost               Anything               Goes               rings               nostalgically               loud.

It               would               be               cheap               to               produce               and               doesn't               rely               on               no-talent               judges               behaving               obnoxiously.

Oh               wait,               that               is               perhaps               exactly               the               reason               why               we               haven't               yet               seen               its               renaissance.

Image of girls dressing game

girls dressing game
girls dressing game

girls dressing game Image 1

girls dressing game
girls dressing game

girls dressing game Image 2

girls dressing game
girls dressing game

girls dressing game Image 3

girls dressing game
girls dressing game

girls dressing game Image 4

girls dressing game
girls dressing game

girls dressing game Image 5

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