Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of wedding dress up and make up games::Dress up Games Online for Teens

Review of wedding dress up and make up games::Dress up Games Online for Teens

June               is               traditionally               the               month               for               weddings,               even               though,               obviously,               weddings               take               place               throughout               the               year.

One               of               the               customary               events               that               takes               place               before               the               actual               wedding               is,               of               course,               the               bridal               shower,               at               which               friends               and               relatives               of               the               bride               (and               in               the               case               of               a               co-ed               shower,               the               groom               as               well)               come               together               for               a               time               of               fun,               food,               and               giftgiving               to               the               bride-to-be               and               her               groom.

Games               play               a               part               in               this               time               of               celebration,               and               below               is               a               list               of               some               of               the               most               popular               bridal               shower               games.

For               wordsmiths,               the               Word               Scramble               Game               is               a               popular               one               to               play               at               bridal               showers.

Simply               make               up               a               list               of               20-25               words               pertaining               to               the               bride               and               groom,               the               wedding               ceremony,               and               the               honeymoon,               and               scramble               them               up               so               they               are               not               easy               to               figure               out.

Give               each               shower               guest               a               copy               of               the               list,               and               give               them               15               minutes               to               figure               out               the               words               on               the               list.

The               person               who               gets               the               most               words               correct               wins               the               game.
               For               a               kitchen-themed               shower,               the               Spice               Game               is               a               very               fitting               choice               to               play.

Pass               around               unlabeled,               numbered               bottles               of               different               spices               and               seasonings               and               have               the               guests               try               to               figure               out               what               they               are.

Smelling               and               tasting               are               NOT               allowed!

The               person               who               guesses               the               most               correctly               wins.....and               the               spices,               correctly               labeled               after               the               game               is               over               with,               can               be               given               to               the               bride-to-be               as               a               gift.

(Make               sure               to               keep               a               list               of               the               correct               names               of               the               spices               and               seasonings               in               the               numbered               bottles               so               they               can               be               relabeled               correctly               after               the               game               is               played.)
               Bridal               Bingo               is               another               fun               game               to               play.

A               take-off               of               the               old               favorite               Bingo,               cards               are               made               up               with               a               25-square               grid.

Gift               ideas,               taken               from               the               bride               and               groom's               gift               registry               lists,               are               written               on               the               cards               beforehand;               these               are               passed               out               to               the               guests,               who               can               fill               in               the               free               space               in               the               middle               with               whatever               gift               they               brought.

As               the               bride-to-be               opens               the               gifts,               guests               mark               off               on               the               card               any               space               that               has               that               gift               written               in               it.

The               first               person               to               get               a               horizontal,               vertical,               or               diagonal               on               their               card               wins               the               game.
               A               game               that               tests               how               well               each               guest               knows               the               bride               (and               groom)               is               also               a               fun               one               to               play.

Make               a               list               of               trivia               questions               about               the               bride               (and               groom,               if               you               wish),               such               as               birthday,               age,               number               of               siblings,               parents'               names,               school,               where               the               couple               met,               favorite               hobbies,               interests,               foods,               etc.

Give               the               guests               15               minutes               to               answer               the               questions.

Whoever               has               the               most               correct               answers               wins               the               game.
               Another               game               tests               memory.

At               some               point               during               the               shower,               have               the               bride-to-be               leave               the               room               for               10               minutes.

Hand               out               paper               for               the               guests               to               write               on               with               questions               about               the               bride-to-be's               appearance:               is               she               wearing               a               dress               or               slacks,               a               blouse               or               sweater,               what               kind               of               jewelry               (or               is               she               wearing               any               jewelry),               how               is               she               wearing               her               hair,               what               color               are               her               eyes,               is               she               wearing               makeup,               etc.

Again,               whoever               has               the               most               correct               answers               wins.
               A               couple               of               games               that               include               physical               activity               and               get               people               moving               around               a               bit               are               Pass               the               Balloon               and               Hunt               the               "Thimble."               In               Pass               the               Balloon,               everybody               stands               in               a               circle.

While               music               plays,               a               balloon               is               passed               from               person               to               person;               when               the               music               stops,               the               person               holding               the               balloon               has               to               sit               down.

When               the               music               starts               up               again,               the               balloon               proceeds               to               be               passed               around               until               the               music               is               stopped               again.

The               process               is               repeated               until               one               person,               the               winner,               remains.
               Hunt               the               "Thimble"               is               a               game               where               a               thimble               is               hidden               and               guests               have               to               find               it.

Clues               as               to               its               whereabouts               are               given               by               the               hostess               saying               "You're               warm,"               "Getting               warmer,"               "Cold!"               "Hot!"               etc.

If               there               is               a               main               theme               to               the               shower,               such               as               a               kitchen,               bathroom,               or               personal               shower,               an               object               in               keeping               with               the               theme               can               be               hidden               instead.

Obviously,               whoever               finds               the               hidden               object               is               the               winner               of               the               game.
               Draw               the               Groom               is               another               fun               game               where               participants               can               show               their               artistic               expertise               (or               not!).

Guests               are               given               a               paper               plate               on               which               to               draw               a               picture               of               the               groom....while               holding               the               paper               plate               on               top               of               their               head!

They               have               30               seconds               to               accomplish               this               masterpiece               of               art.

The               bride-to-be               picks               the               best               picture               as               the               winner.
               One               more               idea               for               a               simple               game               is               Lucky               Chair.

Simply               tape               a               coin               underneath               one               chair,               and               at               some               point               during               the               shower               have               the               guests               look               under               their               chairs.

Whoever               has               the               coin               taped               under               their               chair               wins               a               prize.
               These               are               just               some               of               many               ideas               for               games               to               play               at               a               bridal               shower.

Two               to               three               games               is               plenty,               as               guests               will               want               to               spend               some               time               visiting               with               each               other               and               the               bride-to-be,               snacking               on               refreshments,               and               also               watching               the               bride-to-be               open               her               shower               gifts.
               If               you               are               planning               a               bridal               shower               and               need               game               ideas,               consider               using               some               of               the               above               listed,               and               have               fun!

More               game               ideas               for               bridal               showers               can               be               found               at               the               following               websites:
               Other               resource:               Personal               experience.

Image of wedding dress up and make up games

wedding dress up and make up games
wedding dress up and make up games

wedding dress up and make up games Image 1

wedding dress up and make up games
wedding dress up and make up games

wedding dress up and make up games Image 2

wedding dress up and make up games
wedding dress up and make up games

wedding dress up and make up games Image 3

wedding dress up and make up games
wedding dress up and make up games

wedding dress up and make up games Image 4

wedding dress up and make up games
wedding dress up and make up games

wedding dress up and make up games Image 5

  • Related blog with wedding dress up and make up games

  • Related Video with wedding dress up and make up games

    wedding dress up and make up games Video 1

    wedding dress up and make up games Video 2

    wedding dress up and make up games Video 3

    wedding dress up and make up games

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    Review of wedding dress dress up::How to Dress for a Winter Wedding

    Review of wedding dress dress up::How to Dress for a Winter Wedding

    In               addition               to               the               cost               saving               advantage               that               comes               with               donning               your               mom's               bridal               gown,               it               is               a               great               way               to               honor               your               mother               at               your               wedding.

    Wearing               your               mother's               wedding               dress               is               a               sentimental               decision               that               is               sure               to               please               her               and               other               relatives               alike.

    Here               are               five               reasons               why               you               should               wear               your               mother's               wedding               dress.

    Start               a               family               tradition.

    Wearing               your               mother's               wedding               gown               could               be               the               start               of               a               family               tradition               that               will               be               passed               on               through               generations.

    The               gown               will               have               to               be               preserved               after               your               ceremony               to               ensure               that               it               stays               in               great               shape               if               it               is               used               again.

    For               future               generations,               the               dress               can               be               incorporated               in               other               ways               by               using               it               as               inspiration               for               subsequent               bridal               attire.
                   Save               on               wedding               costs.

    For               those               working               with               a               limited               budget,               reusing               your               mother's               bridal               dress               is               a               great               area               to               cut               on               costs.

    The               only               costs               involved               would               likely               be               taking               it               to               a               bridal               gown               cleaning               service               to               freshen               it               up               as               well               as               making               alterations               to               get               the               perfect               fit.

    Even               with               a               new               gown,               there               is               no               guarantee               that               you               will               find               one               off               the               rack               that               fits               just               right.

    Alterations               are               still               needed               and               the               costs               may               be               higher               as               altering               a               new               bridal               gown               has               more               risk               due               to               the               value               of               the               gown.
                   Unique               wedding               fashion.

    If               you               are               looking               for               that               unique               look               on               your               wedding               day,               going               with               your               mother's               dress               is               a               great               way               to               look               different.

    Your               mother's               wedding               dress               will               likely               be               from               a               different               fashion               era               giving               you               a               retro               look               that               will               stand               out               from               modern               day               bridal               gowns.

    It               can               also               be               used               as               a               basis               for               other               aspects               of               the               wedding               to               create               a               retro               style               theme               that               makes               guests               feel               like               they               have               stepped               back               in               time               in               a               classical               way.
                   No               stress               of               finding               a               dress.

    One               of               the               major               causes               of               stress               for               brides               before               the               wedding               is               finding               a               dress.

    Countless               visits               to               bridal               gown               shops               and               fittings               that               prove               fruitless               and               frustrating               could               leave               a               bride               with               a               bad               taste               in               her               mouth.

    When               you               choose               to               wear               your               mother's               bridal               gown,               this               problem               is               eliminated.

    The               dress               is               already               there.

    Also               you               don't               have               to               fight               with               overbearing               friends               and               relatives               on               what               style               of               bridal               dress               you               should               wear.
                   Time               saving.

    Weddings               are               major               events               that               take               up               a               lot               of               time               and               planning.

    Deciding               to               wear               your               mother's               gown               on               your               wedding               saves               you               time               that               would               be               spent               in               bridal               gown               shops.

    It               also               makes               it               is               easier               to               determine               the               rest               of               the               bridal               party               attire               early               on.

    Image of wedding dress dress up

    wedding dress dress up
    wedding dress dress up

    wedding dress dress up Image 1

    wedding dress dress up
    wedding dress dress up

    wedding dress dress up Image 2

    wedding dress dress up
    wedding dress dress up

    wedding dress dress up Image 3

    wedding dress dress up
    wedding dress dress up

    wedding dress dress up Image 4

    wedding dress dress up
    wedding dress dress up

    wedding dress dress up Image 5

  • Related blog with wedding dress dress up

  • Related Video with wedding dress dress up

    wedding dress dress up Video 1

    wedding dress dress up Video 2

    wedding dress dress up Video 3

    wedding dress dress up

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    Monday, June 9, 2014

    Review of dress up wedding dress::November Rain Wedding Dress?

    Review of dress up wedding dress::November Rain Wedding Dress?

    For               many               brides,               a               wedding               dress               has               a               lot               of               emotional               attachment               and               investment.

    While               wearing               your               mother's               wedding               dress               on               your               big               day               may               be               pleasing               to               her,               it               is               important               to               keep               in               mind               that               it               is               your               wedding               day.

    You               should               wear               a               bridal               gown               that               is               true               to               your               sense               of               style,               as               well               as               one               that               compliments               your               figure.

    Here               are               five               reasons               not               to               wear               your               mother's               wedding               dress.

    Your               sense               of               Individuality.

    A               bride               should               own               her               wedding               day               and               especially               her               gown.

    Wearing               your               mother's               bridal               dress               may               make               you               lose               a               sense               of               yourself.

    It               is               best               to               get               a               dress               that               you               feel               good               walking               down               the               aisle               in,               rather               than               trying               to               please               others.

    Your               mother               had               her               moment               in               her               dress               on               her               day;               you               need               to               also               experience               the               same               in               a               bridal               gown               that               is               all               you.

    Otherwise               you               may               end               up               feeling               more               like               an               actor               in               a               costume.
                   Personal               taste.

    Your               personal               taste               and               sense               of               fashion               may               be               different               from               what               your               mother               wore               years               ago               in               her               youth               days.

    You               want               to               have               the               dress               of               your               dreams               to               turn               the               fantasy               of               your               envisioned               wedding               into               reality.

    If               your               figure               is               too               different               from               your               mother               at               the               time               of               her               wedding,               you               may               end               up               doing               heavy               alterations               on               the               dress               should               you               choose               to               wear               it.

    This               may               be               a               hassle               and               you               will               be               better               off               going               to               a               bridal               gown               shop               to               pick               out               something               that               is               more               conforming               to               your               body.

    Besides,               depending               on               the               look               of               the               wedding               gown,               the               sentimentality               of               it               may               be               lost               on               the               wedding               guests               who               may               feel               disappointed               in               the               lack               of               fashion               so               to               speak.
                   Does               not               fit               in               with               the               wedding               theme.

    You               have               probably               chosen               a               certain               theme               for               your               big               day               and               the               wedding               dress               may               not               fit               into               the               theme               of               the               wedding.

    Wearing               your               mother's               dress               may               conflict               with               this               vision               making               it               stand               out               like               a               sore               thumb.

    You               may               even               end               up               having               to               change               your               whole               theme               and               color               scheme               just               to               incorporate               the               dress.
                   Dress               damage               and               alterations.

    If               your               mother's               dress               is               not               in               the               best               condition,               it               may               be               hard               to               get               it               cleaned,               and               the               fabric               may               be               delicate               after               so               many               years,               leaving               you               with               a               damaged               dress               instead.

    If               cost               is               a               limiting               factor,               there               are               many               good               dresses               to               be               had               at               second               hand               stores.

    One               can               even               pick               up               a               designer               dress               for               very               low               prices               from               bridal               dress               store               sales               or               places               like               Bridal               Garden               that               sell               donated               wedding               dresses.
                   Weather               considerations.

    While               it               may               seem               the               weather               has               nothing               to               do               with               the               choice               to               wear               your               mother's               wedding               dress,               it               has               a               lot               to               do               with               it.

    If               you               are               planning               a               summer               outdoor               wedding,               wearing               a               long               sleeve               wedding               gown               worn               by               your               mother               at               a               winter               wedding               is               not               a               good               idea.

    The               same               goes               for               you               having               a               winter               wedding               in               a               lightweight               dress               worn               by               your               mother               for               a               summer               wedding               .

    Image of dress up wedding dress

    dress up wedding dress
    dress up wedding dress

    dress up wedding dress Image 1

    dress up wedding dress
    dress up wedding dress

    dress up wedding dress Image 2

    dress up wedding dress
    dress up wedding dress

    dress up wedding dress Image 3

    dress up wedding dress
    dress up wedding dress

    dress up wedding dress Image 4

    dress up wedding dress
    dress up wedding dress

    dress up wedding dress Image 5

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