Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of girl games dress up free::good games to play with little girls

Review of girl games dress up free::good games to play with little girls

I'm               a               girly               girl.

I               like               makeup               and               hair               products,               shoes               and               bags,               oh-               and               video               games.

Starting               out               with               a               Super               Nintendo               that               I               got               on               my               seventh               birthday,               I               was               hooked.

In               my               younger               years               it               was               all               about               Final               Fantasy               and               anything               with               Mario,               and               Donkey               Kong.

Those               sorts               of               games               were               perfect               for               either               gender,               and               really               started               to               grow               and               shape               my               video               game               tastes.

Now               as               a               mid-twenty               something               IT               tech,               I               find               myself               finding               those               girlier               video               games               either               on               the               Xbox               360,               Wii,               or               PC               that               allow               me               to               walk               the               fence               between               Female               and               Nerd.

My               favorite               game               is               going               to               be               pretty               obvious.

World               of               Warcraft               is               the               perfect               game,               and               as               a               MMO               it's               a               social               experience               that               makes               me               feel               like               I'm               not               just               sitting               in               my               office,               alone,               for               hours               on               end.

I               am               one               of               the               few               people               who               play               a               female               character               and               actually..am               a               girl.

Nothing               like               riding               giant               tigers,               dressing               in               shiny               and               colorful               armor,               and               shooting               things               dead.

Its               hard               to               play               World               of               Warcraft               casually,               and               I               am               a               closet               micro-gamer,               but               I'll               spare               you               the               nitty               gritty               details               on               the               complication               of               maxing               your               dps               and               keeping               your               pvp               gear               separate               from               your               raiding               gear.

For               the               sake               of               this               article,               WoW               Is               pretty,               musical,               and               has               plenty               for               the               girly               girl               to               enjoy.
               Another               obvious               choice               for               favorite               game               would               be               the               Sims               3               (or               its               predecessors.)               Nothing               like               downloading               clothes               for               hours               so               that               you               can               change               outfits               every               day               and               become               way               too               engulfed               in               a               life               that's               not               your               own.

Decorating               and               designing               houses,               creating               the               most               beautiful               people               and               putting               them               into               a               plethora               of               situations,               and               playing               with               babies.

When               the               new               expansion               that               includes               pets               for               Sim               3               comes               out-               I'll               be               done               for.
               Fable               2               and               3               are               GREAT               games               for               girls.

For               one               thing,               you               can               BE               a               girl,               which               is               a               nice               change               from               most               adventure               RPGs.

Plus,               there's               clothes-               lots               of               clothes,               to               wear.

You               appearance               changes               depending               on               your               acts,               and               your               decisions               shape               the               world               around               you!

It's               exactly               what               girls               dream               about.

By               the               way,               if               you               want               to               have               15               husbands-               that's               cool               too.

AND               I               DO.
               A               much               less               popular               game               exists               that               I               have               been               a               cult               fanatic               of               since               I               got               that               first               Super               Nintendo,               and               that               is               Harvest               Moon.

There               have               been               versions               for               almost               every               system,               and               I               have               played               most               of               them.

Harvest               Moon               simply               enough               is               a               farming               sim,               but               not               nearly               as               John               Deer               as               it               sounds.

In               almost               every               version               you               start               out               as               a               boy,               but               in               newer               versions-               girls               are               an               option.

You               start               with               a               crappy               farm               to               fix               up,               grow               crops               for               money,               raise               animals,               upgrade               your               buildings               and               fields...OH               and               get               married               and               have               children               and               buy               different               clothes               and               go               to               festivals.

This               is               a               majorly               girly               game,               and               satisfies               every               need               I               have               in               a               game               to               play               for               7               hours               at               a               time.
               Consider               RPGs               like               Oblivion               (all               I               do               is               STEAL               EVERYTHING),               Dragon               Age               (three               versions               out               now,               all               great               even               for               girls),               any               Zelda               game               and               Kingdom               Hearts.

Also,               Final               Fantasy               games               along               with               most               MMOs               (Lord               of               the               Ring               Online               is               free               to               play               now)               are               not               way               too               dude-ish               and               boring.
               I               know               there               are               hardcore               gamer               girls               out               there               who               would               survive               perfectly               fine               in               a               real               life               zombie               attack               and,               if               men's               dreams               are               true,               they               all               look               like               Angelina               Jolie-               but               I               come               from               a               different               stock               of               girly               girls               who               want               to               dress               up               and               play               games               too.

If               you're               looking               for               a               fun,               girly-friendly               experience,               definitely               try               any               of               the               above.

Image of girl games dress up free

girl games dress up free
girl games dress up free

girl games dress up free Image 1

girl games dress up free
girl games dress up free

girl games dress up free Image 2

girl games dress up free
girl games dress up free

girl games dress up free Image 3

girl games dress up free
girl games dress up free

girl games dress up free Image 4

girl games dress up free
girl games dress up free

girl games dress up free Image 5

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